I left my dead drunk, cigarette smelling and now happy companion, to resume my walk around Ghent.I have been walking the whole day- a city map open in my hands. I must have been quite a sight!-- turning the map in all directions, bumping into something every ten feet and almost standing on top of map to decide where I am.But, Ghent is worth losing your way in.
The night I reached Belgium, when Reuben took me for a stroll around Ghent, we walked through the city's red light district.It is located on the "Glazen straatje" or the small street of glass. The street was literally flooded in red light. As in Amsterdam, the sex workers of Ghent are registered professionals with access to many health programs run by the state. Unlike in Amsterdam, pimping is made illegal in Ghent, with the idea that the earnings are not filtered through the hands of the middlemen and drug peddlers.It was the first red light I ever saw. Behind each shop display window a woman stood combing her hair or watching passers by awaiting her customers.I must say I felt rather strange and it was more due to the oddity of seeing live human beings in a space where you are used to mannequins.
Well, The cathedrals of Belgium, that i saw are from before the time when the loot from Congo started flowing in. The St. Bavo's is a mixture of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque styles marked by different construction phases that spread over six centuries. The last phase of construction was completed in the second half of 16th century.The cathedral is noted for its high stained-glass windows.The black marble is used to great effect in presenting the delicate oak-wood and stone decorations. Paintings of van Eyck and Rubens adorn its altars.
As I wandered inside the cathedral, chords of music struck my ears. There in a side-room behind the main altar sat a man with white beard, with a harp in his hands and eyes closed in concentration. He played oblivious to the throngs of visitors who would come to a standstill at the door, too captivated to move on.
Fine music was encountered at the most unexpected places in Belgium.Once it was a street guitarist in-front of the Basilica of the Holy Blood in Brugge. And another time ,a lone saxophonist standing amidst a crowded street in Antwerp, playing 'Lara's theme' as the busy Sunday shoppers went about their way.
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